My one Year Blogoversary arrived on March 31st. Our daughter Jan came over for a Celebration Lunch. She introduced me to blogging, and has encouraged me in my endeavors.
Her DH asked "Does everyone have a party on their Blogoversary???" and of course we do. It's certainly a cause for a celebration!
It was so much fun to read all your comments on my Blogoversary post. :)
Nana Trish from Living the Dream! Congratulations!
The rest of you can take a flower from this bouquet. Thanks so much for sharing in this journey with me! Looking forward to more blogging this year!
Ruthie, I am doing the Happy Dance. Wow! This is great. Please email me at You look great in the blue top I think this is such a pretty color on you. I think that it's sweet that your daughter came over and you guys had a celebration for your blogoversary. Aren't our daughters such a blessing? I'll be looking for your email. luv ya, Trish
Hi Ruthie,
Congratulations to Nana Trish :)
Your beautiful flowers just say "spring"
Love the photos and glad you had a fun blogoversary. I think that's great and Nana Trish is a lucky lady.
Hi Ruthie! Congratulations to Trish, the lucky winner! Have a wonderful day sweet friend!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
Congrats to Nana! And blue is definitely your color Ruthie!! :-)
Congratulations to Nana Trish and thank you Ruthie for the flower ♥ That was so sweet. I hope you are having a lovely day. Your daughter is just beautiful. Both of you look so nice together... Mom and daughter ♥
Hi Ruthie! Congratulations to Nana Trish for winning your giveaway! Your daughter is so pretty and looks so sweet - just like her lovely mother! You have the prettiest smile, Ruthie!
You are a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I like the idea of a REAL party for a blogiversary. I'll celebrate mine this June. You look so pretty in that picture.
I don't want to embarrass you, but I think you announced the WRONG WINNER. It was me, right?
Happy Blog Birthday!!!!!!!
Congratulation to Nana Trish! I love reading the wonderful things you write about. I will return soon. Your daughter is beautiful and I know you must be proud of her.
God bless you my dear sister in Christ.
Many blessings,
Congratutlations to Nana Trish!
Congrats Trish!!!
Love the flowers!!
and You!
Hi Ruthie,
Sound like you had fun :) at your party.
I'm slowing on the blogging now because of time with my kids, but I try to post something every now and then and check the blogs of my online friends.
What a fun thing to do! Glad your daughter got you into blogging! Keep up the good work!
Be blessed
Yay! Congrats to Nana Trish!
Congratulations to Nana Trish for winning the wonderful prize and thank you, Ruthie, for the wonderful posts. I love reading about your childhood in China and, of course, about what you are doing today. I love the picture of you and your daughter.
Happy Anniversary, Ruthie!
A prisoner of hope,
happy anniversary...Ann
Happy Blogoversary. What a fun year it's been. How cool that my mom blogs, Twitters and Facebooks.
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