Being in robber territory, they didn't dare have the traditional diamond engagement ring. Instead, he had a beautiful pin made, of the Chinese character "love" and had their names inscribed on the back of it. He also had a lapel pin for him to match.
Now, they could announce their engagement to the world! And no longer had to keep their courtship a secret.
Mom remembers sipping tea with Dad in the living room of the mission station, while the song "Red Sails in the Sunset" played on the old Victrola phonograph. That was where they made the plans for their wedding.
God led these two servants of the Lord together and what a blessing they were to each other through the years.
Looking at these pins now, I can see that there is no safety clasp on them.
I'm so glad those pins weren't lost in all their travels in China.
I'm also glad that the last pink page wasn't taken out of the envelope, as other pages that had sometimes been missing.
God had His hand in all the details - and He cares for us with all the details of our lives as well!
Awe.. Ruthie, What a special story! And you still have the pins. I am glad they were not lost. Such a treasure. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Terrie
Awe.. Ruthie, What a special story! And you still have the pins. I am glad they were not lost. Such a treasure. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Terrie
This is beautiful! You really need to write a book about it , or a novel based on their story. But wait until your arm is better. Hope that's soon.
How wonderfully romantic! I love those pins and I love the story! I am so glad that you still have them!
Hugs, Sharon
Just beautiful - what a legacy!
What a beautiful picture! I didn't know that the Chinese pins were Gramma and Grampa's "engagement rings". I miss Gramma and Grampa, too. Love, Shari
Hi Ruthie, beautiful story, I wish I knew how my dad proposed to my mom. It was probably more funny than romantic. Well its pouring rain here and will be all night, so I will crack my window so I can hear it. Have a good night,Ruthie. Deb
Ruthie, what a wonderful story. I loved that he wrote his proposal on "pink" paper. A true man, even back then, can enjoy a little pink. :) Have a blessed Monday.
Isn't that the real truth of it? He has all the details in His hand! What a lovely story. Blessings... Polly
Dear Ruthie,
This story is so inspiring. I can just see her reading the pink page first. I know that is what I would have done. The pins are so special. Isn't it wonderful how God works in our lives?
Do you have the pins? I love the part about the pink page and your Mom reading it first. How cute!
Yes, I have the pins - and have been thinking of making a necklace out of the larger one.??!! I certainly can't wear them with the clasps they have on them now. Any ideas????
Thanks for all your comments everyone. It's such a joy for me to read them. :)
I have really enjoyed catching up with you..reading all your interesting posts while I was gone...
the story of your parents was so sweet and special...and it is just wonderful that you still have the pins...
I'm sorry you broke your wrist while You were enjoying a nice getaway weekend...
be careful (we're not as young as we once were)
This is truly beautiful, it's all so rich.
Sweet love, how God meant it to be!
Blessings ~
(ps. I have that same 'love' sign on my wall! ;o)
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